”Robots are just tools”
We are aiming the society of human’s creativity

“Robots are just tools”
We are aimig the society of human’s creativity

Through the introduction of robots, Kobot enhances the value of work difficult to be mechanized by taking advantage of the human’s “physicality.” This includes pickers, housekeepers, delivery people, and artisans in all fields. The precision that human fingertips can produce is immeasurable, making them a more powerful weapon than we can imagine.



To the Era of Easy Robot Development

Kobot has developed a new control system 【SP Aoutomation】, combining "a high-level system (ROS2) capable of complex operations" and "a local system (EtherCAT) capable of high-speed control."

With SP-Automation, users without advanced know-how and technology can easily develop robots.


Kobot supports development and implementation of robots.

Factory Automation Solution

Factory Automation Solution

Kobot develops, designs, and manufactures hardware and software, with a focus on sensors and motion control, as an approach to factory automation (FA) that improves productivity.

Kobot proposes solutions against issues such as productivity improvement, production cost reduction, and quality stabilization at production sites.


Kobot plans, designs, and develops industrial machinery such as sensors and robotics, as well as joint development with our customers.

Kobot works together with our customers to propose solutions that have not yet been generalized in the market or that are not similar, available products.
